Thursday, January 14, 2010

Clear the Mist

I've always been fascinated by water- I love the sound of it trickling in a stream, love to watch it race down a river, love the view of the ocean, etc. Water has the ability to cleanse, to save, to generate power, to sustain life.

As I watched this water pour over the side of Niagara Falls, I was fascinated with the awe-inspiring sight. The longer I gazed at the view, the more I noticed the mist. I found myself wishing it would clear so I could see the water falling behind it. Every now and then the wind would blow allowing a glimmer of what the mist hid to shine through, but I was never able to appreciate the entire view at one time. I decided instead to focus on the beauty I COULD see...the water not hidden by rising mist.

It made me think about how in my own life I'm often focused on the mist rather than the beauty in front of me...the blessings I CAN see...the blessings I CAN count. Often so much is going on that we can't get a clear view of how blessed our lives really are. What if I could really comprehend the many, many blessings that surround me and not even acknowledge the mist- the self-imposed worries, the trials, the things I allow to get in the way?

So, my thought for the day: Focus on the spots where there isn't any mist, appreciate them, and have faith in the good that's hidden behind the mist...the blessings just waiting behind the trials. Eventually the wind will blow enough for you to appreciate what's behind the mist as well.

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