Monday, January 18, 2010

Just Breathe

Hawaii is one of those places that you can't help but get a glimpse of Heaven. Everywhere you look there is a breathtaking vista! This is the 'Blowhole' located on Oahu. There's a large hole in the rock that extends over the water. When a wave comes in, the hole fills with water, and then at the last moment this huge mist comes shooting out the top. It's really fascinating to watch!

It makes me think of how often those waves come crashing into us- we don't think we can stand it, but we do...and then at some moment usually after the fact, we let loose- everything that's been bottled up tries to shoot out at the same time...and it does....and then it subsides...and finally there's peace. We breathe. We realize we're strong enough to handle even the toughest 'wave.' And we are. We were made to survive. We are made to LIVE. Heavenly Father has created us to learn, to live, to experience, and to trust.

Next time something comes crashing into us, take a moment to remember it'll all subside eventually. For now, your job is to breathe.

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