Monday, June 15, 2009

Sticking to it

"This one step - choosing a goal and staying to it - changes everything."
- Scott Reed
Setting goals? No problem.
Planning how to accomplish them? Easy.
Actually staying with the goal? Yikes.
As I've read about accomplishing goals, these are the things I've learned:
1. You have to have a core belief tied to that goal. Without it, the goal is more of a wish...not something you MUST accomplish.
2. You should tie it to something you already do, so it just becomes a part of your already established routine.
3. Visualize what life will be like once you've accomplished your goal.
4. Divide the goal into manageable steps with criteria you can measure.
5. Write it all up- your core belief, how you're going to do it, what life will be like when you've done it, and the steps to tick off as you move forward.
So could it really be possible that I could stick with it? Time will tell!

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