Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Work for It

I love this old water pump. I don't necessarily enjoy all the mosquito bites that are inevitable from getting the water from here...but I love the idea of actually pumping the water. It's not often that we have to work for water, but after I have had to 'work' to get the water, it makes it all the more satisfying to use...and I'm much more careful with how I use it. I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes from working for things. I love checking off boxes. I love going in a room after I've cleaned it to review my work. I love looking at 'to do' lists I've completed.

A dear friend of mine is on a quest to become a 'classy lady.' Personally, I think she has lots of class, but I was intrigued when she suggested a 'Classy Lady Challenge.' There are a possible 10 points each day, one point for each item. Sunday earns the challenger 10 points regardless of her behavior. The items are:
1. No eating after 8 pm.
2. Drink 48 oz. of water a day.
3. Exercise for 45 min. a day.
4. No soda or snacks that aren't good for you.
5. No sweets. (I rarely earn this one by choice.)
6. Read scriptures for 15 min. a day.
7. Write in your journal.
8. Complete one random act of kindness.
9. Eat 2 fruits and 2 veggies each day.
10. Get 7 hours of sleep each day. (Naps count.)

As I've done this challenge, I am noticing how good I feel on the days I get more points. I can only imagine how I'll feel if I can actually earn 10 points a day! I'm averaging about 7 points right now, and in all honesty I'm really proud. I am so grateful for friends that encourage me to do better....to actually work. Sometimes not eating after 8 is serious work. Sometimes doing that final 15 minutes of exercise is serious work. Sometimes finding another vegetable to eat is work. Sometimes resisting one chip off my son's lunch plate is work. But when I accomplish that 'work' I always get a little thrill. "YES! I passed!" I love passing the test. We're doing our challenge until May 1. If I feel this good a few weeks in, I can only imagine how I'll feel when some of these points have become habits. For now, I'm grateful to check off boxes...and to know I'm progressing...even if only to get a real view of where I stand on each item. (Who knew that you could read so much in the scriptures in 15 minutes...or how little water I actually drink each day!!) Thank you, Laura, for starting me on the path to classiness. Cheers!

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