Wednesday, October 27, 2010


"What are you running TOWARD?"

I read these words a while back when I was contemplating my next big beginning of the year goal, and I loved the imagery of it. The article went on to explain that if you imagine the "reached your goal" you ahead of you cheering you on and the "icky old you" in your dust where you used to be, you'll have a more successful workout. I wanted to do that. I wanted to leave the old me in my dust and become this beautiful champion at the finish line. So we bought a treadmill. And I started, and stopped, and started, and stopped. I don't often complete things...but as I thought about this past year, I realized that I have begun to leave that 'non-finisher' in my dust...and it makes me want to CHEER!

I love running. Ten years ago I never would have said that or even thought that those words would come out of my mouth unless I was quoting someone else...and yet, today- they are mine. I LOVE running. Mostly I love how I feel when I'm done. I love how sweaty I get. I love the confidence it builds when I realize I'm actually going to reach a mini-goal (for example: finish this minute and THEN slow down.) I love appreciating nature as I'm outside, and I love the smiles of my kiddos when they come down to find me on the treadmill. I also love my shoes. I mean LOVE them. When I put them on, I feel comfortable...and ready. I feel anticipation at the work ahead of me, and excitement because I know how much I love the taste of accomplishment.

So in my goal to leave the old sloppy unfit me behind, I've actually reached another goal. It's October and I've been running since January with only minor breaks in my training. I'm healthier, I'm happier...and I'm finishing a goal I set MONTHS ago. I get to run a half-marathon in December with my mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law...and I'm going to be ready. It's awesome to know I'm doing it...and I'm running towards the new me who really will be cheering as she crosses the finish line. Anything is possible!!!

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