Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You Can Do Hard Things...and so can I

We all can! I was watching Biggest Loser this evening and listening to heartbreaking story after heartbreaking story. Some made me cry, some made me shake my head in frustration with how awful people can be to people- sometimes even their own family! As I watched, I kept thinking about my own life. I'm not dealing with issues of weight loss as those contestants were, but I certainly have things I'd like to change- some habits that probably do cause upset in my family. If I finished what I started, we'd always have a clean home. We'd always have a balanced meal each evening that I'd lovingly prepared. We'd have perfectly well behaved children because I would never get frustrated and would calmly and fairly deal with each and every situation that required correction...

But that's not real life. I don't finish what I start- at least not yet. But I CAN do hard things. I've done things way harder in my past than just finish what I start. Holding my son as he passed away was hard. Explaining what was happening over the phone to my husband who was on a business trip with no flights left to catch that evening to make it before our son passed was harder. Looking into the eyes of my sweet two year old who had just lost his twin brother and having to explain that he was going to help take care of the new baby while his brother went to help Jesus in Heaven was harder than that. But I did them. And the last one I even did with a smile so my little guy would know it was ok. I wasn't ok- but I knew I wasn't alone.

The Lord will never leave us alone. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to turn to Him in time of trial and to rely on his guidance and open arms. He wants to hear our prays where we sob and pour our heart out...and he wants to send peace immediately thereafter. He does! I know He does. So many times I've felt the outpouring of His love.

As I watched the show tonight, I thought about the wishes I had for those people. "Believe in yourself! You can do it! Just take it one day at a time and you'll be there! You can do hard things! Just start!" and I thought... so maybe I should take my own advice. I've done hard things before- things I'd never dream I could look back on and think, 'wow- I survived it. I really am happy- even with the trials I've had.' And I believe it's ok to be happy when hard things have happened. Happy is what gets me through.