Monday, May 3, 2010


Contentment is hard to come by in this day and age...but if you get a taste of it, I think it's one of the most precious accomplishments you can attain. I wish I was content with every single aspect of my life- certainly there are things I wish were better, things I hope for, etc., but all in all, I have to say this past week gave me a taste of contentment for all that's in my life.

I was able to hold a brand new precious baby, and though tears were streaming as I held him, it wasn't for sadness but rather because of overwhelming love for him and the joy I felt for his parents and sisters. Many times people ask if I plan to have more children, and though I'd readily accept a surprise from Heaven, I don't feel like that's in the plan. I am completely content with the darlings I've already received! That is a good feeling. It's freeing and peaceful.

I was able to spend many hours lost in conversation with dear friends I met years ago...friends I no longer live near, but when we get together it seems as though nothing has changed. They make me want to be better because they treat me as if I already am. I will forever be grateful and tied to those amazing women.

I was able to spend a couple of days introducing my sweet daughter and darling nieces to some of the things I enjoy most...such as bread fresh from the oven with yummy butter. My little '3 and a half' year old niece (don't forget the half!) was a lovely conversationalist and she reminded me of the joy found in rolling and cutting up play-doh, building castles with blocks, coloring pictures of fairies, and re-doing our hair when it comes out crooked. :-) She laughs easily, and is extremely sweet to those around her. She made me want to be sweeter- to see the world with more wonder.

I was able to spend time reaffirming my faith- learning of and discussing examples of people who have given their lives to sharing truth. I feel joy and peace with the church I know and love- the testimony I have that it is the true church and that following the teachings it provides will lead me to the arms of my Father in Heaven someday.

I was able to return to the loving arms of my husband and boys. Oh, what darling people they are. I am truly blessed...and yes, completely content, with my life. This was a wonderful week, and remembering the many things I have to be content about has provided me with overflowing love and joy. Counting blessings seems to have that effect...